Online Events, Free & Open to the Public
Featuring Robin Meiksins, Alex Lough and Mark Micchelli, Anna Elder, Justin Massey, Carlos Cotallo Solares, Will Yager, Sarah Constant, and Wilson Poffenberger performing works by Matthew Jay Fountain, Teeth and Metals, Brian Riordan, Brian Topp, Carlos Cotallo Solares, Nathaniel Haering, Brittany J. Green, and Carolyn Borcherding.
Featuring SPLICE Ensemble, Stephen Marotto, Adam Vidiksis, and Sam Wells performing works by Per Bloland, Kunal Gala & Chris Ferree, Alex Christie, Adam Vidiksis, & Elsa Juste.
Featuring Keith Kirchoff, Sam Wells, Von Hansen, Adam Vidiksis, and Christopher Biggs performing works by Luigi Nono, Jeonghyeon Joo, Elainie Lillios, and Adam Vidiksis/Christopher Biggs.
Featuring Chris Biggs, Sam Wells, Adam Vidiksis, Keith Kirchoff, Becky Brown, ESC (Elainie Lillios, Scott Deal, and Christopher Biggs) performing works by Sarah Belle Reid, Adam Vidiksis, Olly Wilson, & Becky Brown.